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상단 제목.png

Brominated Flame Retardant

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UFR B728

good compatibility, low volatility, light fastness

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UFR B959

FR effciency, exceptional thermal stability, multi-function

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UFR B967

Good FR, non blooming, Good UV,thermal stability

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UFR B627

High FR performance, reactive diol, scorch resistant

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UFR B324

Meets high FR standard, high thermal stability, non-leaching

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UFR B1067

Combination of good flow and impact,
UV and thermal stability, non-blooming

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UFR B543

Good flow ability, good compatibility, non blooming

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thermal and UV stability, excellent electrical properties

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UFR B463

High FR performance

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UFR B301, B701

Good CTI, thermal stability, non-blooming

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UFR B261

High FR performance, light stability and transparent

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UFR B943

Good FR efficiency,Good thermal stability

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UFR B624

good FR, UV stability

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thermal and UV stability, excellent electrical properties

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UFR B1025

Excellent thermal aging, CTI good impact,
compatibility with fiber reinforcement and recycling

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UFR B1018

UV stability, light stability, non-blooming

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UFR B951

Thermal stability, UV stability, non blooming, excellent wet electrical properties

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UFR B971

FR efficiency, exceptional thermal stability,

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UFR B972

Non blooming, good FR efficiency, thermal stability and compatibility



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